A Personal Message from Tina in the North: April 2022

Goddesses and the 4-D Wheel

Beloved friends of the 4-D Network,

Message from the North

In the Nordic countries, Freya (Freja, Freyja) is a powerful goddess from Valhalla. She is associated with love, sexuality, war, and death. She can put herself in a trance (sejd) to get in contact with the spirit world and see into the future.

Freja has a beautiful necklace called Brisingamen. It was made by four dwarfs in Svartalfheim, and to get it, the goddess of love had to spend one night with each of them. Freja is one of many goddesses, another is the Egyptian goddess, Isis.

When Gina started expanding the practice of sex therapy, she named her method, Integrating Sexuality, and Spirituality. She found the name a bit long and used the acronym ISIS instead. And in the beginning, she called it The ISIS Wheel of sexual experience.

The Egyptian goddess Isis was perfect as the protector of the network of practitioners Gina trained. When the terrorist group IS, or the Islamic State in Syria occupied the acronym, we knew the name needed to change and came up with The Four-Dimensional Wheel of Sexual Experience, 4-D Wheel for short.

We still have Isis as our goddess, holding sexuality and healing power, just like Freya in the Nordic region, Aphrodite in Greece, Venus in Rome, and more. Every time I need to be empowered or guided, I call the goddesses.

Today I am sure Gina is joining them.
Tina Nevin