Endings and beginnings

Endings and beginnings

In the North, a journey from Summer Solstice towards Winter Solstice ends December 21.
Then, we begin to move towards more daylight.
Planet Earth circles around the Sun to make this happen every year.
Mother Earth circles around the sun, just like we can walk around the 4-D Wheel in clockwise direction.
In Swedish we say walking with the sun: att gå medsols.

In the Four-Dimensional Wheel, each quadrant lets us experience both.
The Wheel teaches us to move between light and shadow, and back again.
We can move around the circle learning from all aspects of life and living.
As we move around the circle of the 4-D Wheel, we can choose to let go of whatever is a hinder for our wellbeing.
Now we can begin to nourish the energies that brings us pleasure and sexual healing.

Another ending is the year 2022. Now we meet the beginning of a New Year.
Welcome 2023! Bring us both shadow and light in a beautiful balance.
Let us nourish our 4-D Network and move forward.
Together we can make our network a space, where we can give and receive wisdom and joy.

With gratitude
Tina in the North

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